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Earlier this year, we were delighted to be awarded the contract to conduct the Travel Habits survey for Cornwall Council to assist with the development of the next stage of their Local Transport Plan (LTP) Connecting Cornwall.

The Transport Strategy Team needed a range of data on the behaviours and attitudes of both Cornish residents and visitors to Cornwall to help them with their strategic planning and priorities for all modes of transport. This has involved surveying not just views on public transport and the road network but also at understanding attitudes towards alternatives such as cycling and walking.
Over 2600 resident surveys were completed using a range of methodologies including online, face to face and self-completion covering 22 different locations in Cornwall. Groups with “protected characteristics” such as those with learning and physical disabilities were also involved in the project to ensure their views got represented.

The final report has recently been delivered to various members of Cornwall Council’s Transport strategy team and will be used to help them make decisions about future transport provision in the County.