Stop smoking - Devon PCT


Devon PCT offers a stop smoking service and had a particular interest in finding out more about the behaviours and attitudes of Routine and Manual workers (RMW) towards smoking and stop smoking services.

They also wanted to engage the stakeholders involved in the delivery of health advice and referrals to the stop smoking services to identify any changes or improvements to the delivery or communication of the services available.


To develop a methodology which provided a means of classifying the Routine and Manual workers by behaviour/attitude towards smoking and stop smoking services. To then determine how issues raised could be discussed and explored further with key opinion formers, service delivery providers and the key target groups for the stop smoking services.


An on-street survey was conducted with RMW smokers. This identified two key attitudinal groups– the “convincibles” (those who may consider giving up with the right help and support) and the “entrenched” (those highly unlikely to give up smoking). 4 focus groups were then held around Devon in areas determined to have higher than average density of RMWs with “convincibles” and 1 group with “quitters”.

8 depth interviews were also held with Health Advisers, Practice Nurses and Pharmacists to gain their informed views on the stop smoking services and how to encourage RMWs to use them.


A number of positive changes were made to the way that the service was delivered and communicated. This led to increased levels of participation and higher retention levels within the stop smoking groups.


  • Public sector


  • Behavioural and attitudinal research
  • Product and service research

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